Thursday, January 5, 2012

Fabric - Patches & Stitches

Patched & stitched hearts is todays theme for fabric. I took a small amount of inspiration from this tutorial but in the end, realized AFTER I applied my top coat, that I forgot the embellishments on all the hearts. That's so typically me, to forget stuff :-s

The main nails I did with stitches and the middle accent nail is patched. Not too  bad without the added heart artwork yea?


  1. How did you get your nails soo long? Nice design, really clean!

  2. Super-cute! This would be great for Valentine's Day!

  3. Thank you ladies. WigWam, i have been being VERY careful with life lol. I used to chip nails off like crazy just opening a drawer that had child locks lol. But now, even with hauling wood for the fireplace, i pick stuff up and reach very carefully. Although if you notice, aside from it being hard as heck to take pictures of my right hand because I am right handed, I haven't snapped any pics of it. That being said, the nails on my right hand are about half the length of my left due to breaking them on stuff. I wanted to trim my left down so they were all even but Im really digging the length, which is so unlike me. But I don't do anything but cuticle oil for treatments.

  4. These are SO CUTE!!! :D I love this! XD

  5. I love this! I love the things you come up with!

  6. This is awesome! Like raggedy Anne and Andy nails! Would not have noticed the missing stuff if you hadn't pointed it out!!

  7. Raggedy Anne and Andy! OMG I should totally do that! Thanks for the idea!!!

  8. OMG absolutely love this! sooo cute :)


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